
The Swiss business magazine “BILANZ” periodically examines the results of independent Swiss asset managers and, among other things, compiles rankings of the investment strategies they manage. The return on various investment strategies developed and actively managed by Matthias Hug (Head of Investment Management) was honored in these “BALANCE SHEET” rankings. An overview of the awards received can be found below, or can be downloaded here:

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Bester Vermögensverwalter
der Schweiz

“Asset Manager of the Year 2024” and 1st place in the 2024 investment rating

“Asset Manager of the Year 2022" and 1st place in the 2022 investment rating

“Asset Manager of the Year 2021” and 1st place in the 2021 investment rating

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Format Swiss equities:

1st place in the BILANZ 2022 investment rating

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Our investment strategy “Swiss equities format” took first place in the “Moderately Dynamic” investment category in the 2022 balance sheet ranking. The test and its results are documented in the 03/2022 issue.

Format bondsworld:

1st place in the BILANZ 2013 investment rating

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Our investment strategy “Format Bonds World” is based on a bond investment strategy developed and actively managed by Matthias Hug. In the 2013 “BILANZ” ranking, this strategy took first place in the corresponding risk category. The test and its results are documented in the article “Money Kings” in the 06/2013 issue of “BILANZ”.

Format Balanced International:

1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2022 and 2021

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“Balanced format” took first place in the corresponding risk category in the “BALANCE SHEET” ranking for the years 2022 and 2021. The test and its results are documented in balance sheet issues 03/2022 and 02/2021.

Format balanced plus:

1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2024

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“Format Balanced Plus” took first place in the “Balanced” risk category in the 2024 “BALANCE SHEET” ranking. The test and its results are documented in the article “Hunters of Profits” in the 03/2024 issue of “BILANZ”.

Format Swiss equities for medium-sized and small companies:

1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017

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Our investment strategy “Swiss equities for medium-sized and small companies” is based on an equity investment strategy developed and actively managed by Matthias Hug. This strategy took first place in the corresponding investment category in the “BALANCE SHEET” rankings for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017. The test and its results are documented in issues 03/2023, 03/2022, 03/2021, 03/2020, 03/2019, 03/2018 and 05/2017 of “BILANZ”

Format conservative:

1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2024, 2022 and 2021

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“Format Conservative” took first place in the corresponding risk category in the “BILANZ” ranking for 2024, 2022 and 2021. The test and its results are documented in the balance sheet issues 03/2024, 03/2022 and 02/2021.

Format Swiss equities dividend stocks:

1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2024

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“Format Swiss equities dividend stocks” took first place in the “BILANZ” ranking for 2024 in the “Moderate Dynamic” risk category. The test and its results are documented in the article “Hunters of Profits” in the 03/2024 issue of “BILANZ”.

Leading independent asset manager award

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The Swiss business magazine “BILANZ” has tested independent Swiss asset managers. The ten best, including Matthias Hug (Hug Invest AG), received the rating “very good”. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hens from the University of Zurich, who developed the test, said: “The best independent asset managers are better than banks.” The results are documented in the article “The Best Independents” in the 18/2010 issue of “BILANZ”.

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