We know the currents,
we are not fishing in the dark.

We offer nine asset management mandates: Three equity investment strategies, one bond strategy and five multi asset strategies. The following table provides information on the respective equity component of the strategies and the investment content:


Format Swiss Equity

Typical equity share

approx. 100%

Listed Swiss equities


Format Swiss Mid &
Small Cap Equity

Typical equity share

approx. 100%

Listed Swiss equities
medium and small firms


Format Swiss Equity
High Dividend Yield

Typical equity share

approx. 100%

Listed Swiss equities
with high dividend yield


Format Global Bond

Typical equity share


Bonds globally


Format Conservative

Typical equity share
(equity bandwidth)

approx. 35% (25-45%)

Swiss equities,
bonds globally


Format Balanced

Typical equity share
(equity bandwidth)

approx. 50% (40-60%)

Swiss equities
bonds globally


Format Balanced Plus

Typical equity share
(equity bandwidth)

approx. 45% (0-50%)

Swiss equities with high
dividend yield, bonds globally


Format Balanced

Typical equity share
(equity bandwidth)

approx. 50% (0-60%)

Swiss and international
equities, bonds globally ,
alternative investments


Format Growth

Typical equity share
(equity bandwidth)

approx. 65% (55-75%)

Swiss equities,
bonds globally

Five of the above asset management mandates are also available as funds; these are:

Format Swiss Equity, Format Swiss Mid & Small Cap Equity, Format Swiss Equity High Dividend Yield Format Global Bond and
Format Balanced Plus.

Sustainability (“ESG”) is an important criterion in the selection of investments. We take into account aspects of environmental and climate protection (“Environment”), social aspects (“Social”) and aspects of corporate management (“Governance”).

Equity Strategies


Format Swiss Equity

Format Swiss Equity invests in listed Swiss companies. When selecting companies, we place particular emphasis on their profitability, a healthy balance sheet, intact future prospects, sustainability and an adequate company valuation.

The right investment if you want to achieve capital gains in the long term.


Format Swiss Mid & Small Cap Equity

This strategy invests in medium-sized and smaller listed Swiss companies. When selecting companies, we place particular emphasis on their profitability, a healthy balance sheet, intact future prospects, sustainability and an adequate company valuation.

This is the right investment if you want to achieve substantial capital gains in the long term.


Format Swiss Equity with high dividend yield

This strategy invests in listed Swiss companies with high dividend yields. In addition to the dividend yield, we attach particular importance to the profitability of the company, a healthy balance sheet, intact future prospects, sustainability and an adequate company valuation.

This is the right investment if you want to achieve capital gains and income in the long term.

Fixed Income Strategies


Format Global Bond

Format Global Bond is a global fixed income investment geared to the respective interest rate environment, with the aim of achieving higher returns than those for cash. When selecting investments, we place great importance on sustainability, among other aspects

The right investment if you want to ensure asset preservation and income with a low risk budget.

Multi Asset Strategies


Format Conservative

Format Conservative is a multi asset investment strategy of Swiss equities and global bonds.

The right investment if you want to achieve capital gains with a low risk budget.


Format Balanced

Format Balanced is a multi asset investment strategy of Swiss equities and global bonds.

The right investment if you want to achieve capital gains with a moderate risk budget.


Format Balanced Plus

Format Balanced Plus is a multi asset investment strategy of Swiss equities with high dividend yield and global bonds.

It is the right investment if you want to achieve regular income and capital gains with a medium risk budget. This investment is also particularly suitable for pension plan assets.


Format Balanced International

Format Balanced International is a multi asset investment strategy consisting of Swiss equities, international equities, global bonds and selected alternative investments.

The right investment if you want to achieve capital gains with a moderate risk budget.


Format Growth

Format Growth is a multi asset investment strategy of Swiss equities and global bonds.

The right investment if you want to achieve capital gains with an increased risk budget.


The Swiss business magazine “BILANZ” periodically examines the results of independent asset managers and compiles rankings of the investment strategies managed by them. The returns of various investment strategies developed and actively managed by Matthias Hug (Head of Investment Management) have received awards in these “BILANZ” rankings. The following document provides an overview about the received awards:

«BILANZ Awards»

«Asset Manager of the
Year 2024» and 1st places in investment ranking of

BILANZ presents the “Asset Manager of the Year” award to the asset manager who has achieved the best results across all risk categories. In 2024, Format received this special award for its investment results over 24 months. Over 60 months, Format was in second place in this ranking and in third place over 36 months.

Our investment strategy “Format Swiss Equity High Dividend Yield” was awarded 1st place in the BILANZ ranking 2024 over 12, 24 and 36 months in the “Moderate Dynamic” risk category. “Format Balanced Plus” achieved 1st place over 24 months and “Format Conservative” 1st place over 60 months.

The test and its results are documented in the article “Jäger der Profite” in the 03/2024 issue of “BILANZ”.
(or under  www.firstfive.ch).

«Asset Manager of the Year 2022» and 1st places in investment ranking of BILANZ 2022

The asset manager with the best results over all risk categories receives from “BILANZ” the award of the «Asset Manager of the Year». 2022 Format received this prestigious award for the achieved investment results over 24 months and over 36 months.

Our investment strategy «Format Swiss Mid & Small Cap Equity» was awarded 1st ranks over 12, 24 and 36 months in the respective risk category, “Format Balanced International” and “Format Conservative” achieved 1st ranks over 24 and 36 months, and “Format Swiss Equity” received a 1st rank over 12 months.

The test and its results are documented in the article
«Rendite-Varieté» in the issue 03/2022 of «BILANZ»
(or under  www.firstfive.ch).

«Asset Manager of the Year 2021» and 1st places in investment ranking of BILANZ 2021

The asset manager with the best results over all risk categories receives from “BILANZ” the award of the «Asset Manager of the Year». 2021 Format received this prestigious award for the achieved investment results over 12 months and over 24 months.

Our investment strategies «Format Balanced International» und «Format Conservative» were awarded 1st ranks over 12 months and over 24 months in the risk categories «Balanced» resp. «Conservative». In addition, our strategy «Format Swiss Mid & Small Cap Equity» achieved the best performance in the risk category «Dynamic» over 12 months and over 24 months. 


Format Swiss Mid &
Small Cap Equity:
1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017

Our investment strategy “Format Swiss Mid & Small Cap Equity” is based on an actively managed equity investment strategy developed by Matthias Hug. In the “BILANZ” rankings for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017, this strategy took first place in the corresponding risk category.

The test and its results are documented in issues 03/2023, 03/2022, 03/2021, 03/2020, 03/2019, 03/2018 and 05/2017 of “BILANZ”.

Format Swiss Equity:
1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2022

Our investment strategy “Format Swiss Equity” was awarded a first place in the “BILANZ” ranking for the years 2022 in the corresponding risk category.


The test and its results are documented in the issues 03/2022 of “BILANZ”.

Format Swiss Equity High Dividend Yield: 1st place in the BILANZ 2024 investment rating

“Format Swiss Equity High Dividend Yield ” took first place in the “BILANZ” ranking for 2024 in the “Moderate Dynamic” risk category.

The test and its results are documented in the article “Jäger der Profite” in the 03/2024 issue of “BILANZ”.

Format Conservative:
1st place in the BILANZ 2024, 2022 and 2021 investment ratings

“Format Conservative” took first place in the corresponding risk category in the “BILANZ” ranking for the years 2024, 2022 and 2021.

The test and its results are documented in BILANZ issues 03/2024, 03/2022 and 02/2021.

Format Balanced International: 1st place in the BILANZ 2022 and 2021 investment ratings

“Format Balanced International” took first place in the corresponding risk category in the “BILANZ” ranking for 2022 and 2021.

The test and its results are documented in the BILANZ issues 03/2022 and 02/2021.

Format Balanced Plus:
1st place in the BILANZ 2024 investment rating

“Format Balanced Plus” took first place in the “Balanced” risk category in the “BILANZ” ranking for 2024.

The test and its results are documented in the article “Jäger der Profite” in the 03/2024 issue of “BILANZ”.

Format Balanced International and Format Conservative:
1st place in the investment rating of BILANZ 2022 and 2021

Our investment strategies “Format Balanced International” and “Format Conservative” achieved a first place in the “BILANZ” rankings for the years 2022 and 2021 in the corresponding risk categories.


The test and its results are documented in the issues 03/2022 and 03/2021 of “BILANZ”.

Format Global Bonds
1st place in the investment
rating of BILANZ 2013

Our investment strategy “Format Global Bond” is based on a bond investment strategy developed and actively managed by Matthias Hug. This strategy has been ranked first in the “BILANZ” 2013 ranking in the corresponding risk category.

The test and its results are documented in the article “Geldkönige” in the 06/2013 issue of “BILANZ”.

Award as leading independent asset manager

The Swiss business magazine “BILANZ” has conducted a large-scale test of independent Swiss asset managers. The ten best asset managers were awarded the rating “very good” – including Matthias Hug (then working for Hug Invest AG). Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hens, head of the Institute for Swiss Banking at the University of Zurich, developed the test and is quoted as saying that “the best independent asset managers are better than the banks”.

The test and its results are documented in the article “Die Besten Unabhängigen” in the 18/2010 issue of “BILANZ”.

 Marc O. Stöckli – VR, Urs Ledermann – VR, Patrick Künzler – VRP/GL, Matthias Hug – GLV, Ralf J. Nadler – VR
Markus Lackner – PM, Samuele Donatelli – GL, Walter Lohri, Werner Lehmann – GL, Stefan Jermann

Further Information

Would you like to contact us by phone to discuss your questions?

You can reach us as follows:

Patrick Künzler, Werner Lehmann, Samuele Donatelli:
+41 71 913 60 30

Matthias Hug:
+41 44 913 30 50

Stefan Jermann:
+41 61 913 00 60

Walter Lohri:
+41 41 914 14 80

You can reach us by email at the following address:

Would you like more information about our investment strategies?
We would be pleased to send you the relevant documents.